Midwifery in Scotland: A History

Lindsay Reid
ISBN : 9780 9564 47708
ISBN : 9780 9564 47708
An exploration of the history of midwifery in Scotland in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, thoroughly researched narrative discusses the memorable work of the 'howdie' or uncertified midwife in Scotland and highlights the necessity for midwives in Scotland to have statutory legislation. It demonstrates the paradox within midwifery: legally autonomous since 1915 and yet for a long time subject to the authority of another profession. Reid shows how midwives themselves remind us of the differing aspects of, and attitudes to, birth, and how the woman is at its heart. Care must be woman-centred. A woman's level of contentment with her labour and birth will extend to her wider life and relationships. This, in turn, will have an impact on the long-term quality of life and health of the people of Scotland.
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